Saturday, 2 August 2008

Random musings of a messy room

It's almost been two weeks since my last post and I have barely crawled forward with my game making. So I thought I would give you a quick run down of what I have been doing, as if anyone actually cares. My first week was spent on holiday in the Isle of Wight relaxing with my Girlfriend with me far away from any high tech gadgets other than my Camera, mobile phone and the assortment of laptops and other tech paraphernalia that the average person now carries around.

After coming back I spent a day touring around the Imperial War Museum looking at the Caribbean war effort exhibition and then the Holocaust exhibition which was disturbing. The weekend was spent finally moving the rest of my rubbish out of my old room and into my new much much smaller one, hence the title of this post, which lead to the end of my holiday. The Sunday I spent some time working on my code although I didn't get much further. This week just gone I spent working on my normally sucky job and working away at my OU course work.

I'm still working on an IO class that will deal with all the command line inputs and setting up the graphics stuff. A good indication of my lack of coding skill can be found in this forum post I made (I have no idea what the '+' symbol in the regular expression does). Another problem I sorted out was adding all the Java Development Kit programs to work from the command line in Vista - which was a fairly simple process but took ages because I didn't know what the process I had to go through was called (it is called setting 'path environment variable' by the way). It lead to another forum post which you can read here.

Anyway I'm off to try and tidy my room.

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